On occasion we may offer Promo Codes that you can use to reduce the price of specified products. Please remember, it’s up to you to enter the code at checkout!
These codes have a start and end date date and only run on and within these dates.
Discount codes do not constitute a SALE item. The percentage value will be deducted from the final price of the item. If the item was originally in the SALE then this garment will be exchange only as per our terms. If the item purchased was full price it will fall under our full price items returns policy.
If full price items purchased with a promotional code are returned for a refund the value refunded will be the value of the goods after the code was used and deducted from the full price.
Unfortunately codes can not be applied after ordering. If the code was not used and the order went through without the discount then you can either keep the order at full price or cancel the order and re-order applying the code on the next transaction. We can not apply the discount after the order has been placed.
Promotional Codes can not be used with conjunction with an other promo codes.
If you’re given a unique Promo Code that is meant just for you please keep it secret and don’t let anyone else use it or abuse it (e.g. don’t post it on social media). If we think there is or has been misuse of a Promo Code in any way (e.g. selling it or sharing it with others), we can cancel your Promo Code and/or suspend or even close your account without telling you.
We don’t like to do this, but if a Promo Code can’t run properly because someone or something is spoiling the fun for everyone – e.g. fraud, tampering, technical errors or anything else that is beyond our control that affects the running or fairness of the Promo Code – we can cancel, modify or suspend the Promo Code at any time.